Flowering Vines for South Florida

Flowering Vines for South Florida

Do you want to transform your fences, walls, trellises, or pergolas into eye-catching beauty? I have created a list of flowering vines suitable for South Florida. Due to the warm, humid tropical climate, we have plenty of vines that we can grow in South Florida or you can say in Zone 9b to Zone 11.

If you are from Zone 9b, zone 10a, 10b, 11 you can follow this chart.

No matter if you're seeking shade-loving flowering vines or sun-loving varieties, rest assured I've got you covered.

Reading a chart or table is easier, thus I am showing you the chart first and then we will talk about the vines to give you some extra useful insights.

Scroll the tables side-wise on small screens to see the full table info

Some of the vines can perform well on fences while some of the vines do well on arbors. In the chart, I have mentioned if you should train them or support them with trellis, fences, or arbors.

What I am covering here (Click to expand)

  1. Sun-loving flowering vines for South Florida
  2. Shade-loving vines
  3. South Florida native flowering vines

Sun-loving flowering vines

Most of the flowering vines are sun-loving and that makes this list longer.

Plant Name Maintenance Difficulty Training or Support Perennial or Annual
Bougainvillea Moderate Trellis, Fence, or Arbor Perennial
Passionflower Easy Trellis or Pergola Perennial
Coral Honeysuckle Easy Trellis or Fence Perennial
Yellow Jessamine Moderate Fence or Arbor Perennial
Rangoon Creeper Easy Strong Trellis or Pergola Perennial
Allamanda Moderate Trellis or Support Frame Perennial
Flame Vine Moderate Trellis or Wall Perennial
Cypress Vine Easy Trellis or Fence Annual
Morning Glory Easy Trellis or Fence Annual
Mandevilla Moderate Trellis or Arbor Perennial
Trumpet Vine Easy Fence or Pergola Perennial
Star Jasmine Easy Trellis or Fence Perennial
Queen's Wreath Vine Easy Trellis, Arbor, or Pergola Perennial

You can see I have mentioned if the vines are perennial or annual beside each plant.

Maxican Flame vine
Maxican flame vine

You can consider this maxican flame vine variant.

I could find only 2 annual flowering vines cypress vine and morning glory.

Queen's Wreath Vine

Queen’s Wreath is the most favorite plant in my garden. And the good news is that this flowering vine grows very well in South Florida.

Queen’s Wreath Vine
Queen’s Wreath Vine (PC: Megan J Tiseo)

Cypress vine

Note: Cypress vines are really invasive and they can take over other plants in your garden. But the beauty of the leaves and flowers can melt your heart. Here is a guide: how to grow Cypress Vine in Florida

Cypress vine - Invasive
Cypress vine taking over my vinca plant

You can also grow cypress vine from seeds.



Bougainvillea can be a good choice but you have to work on it if you want it to spread on your fences. Planned pruning can make it easier.

The only problem I faced was that some of my bougainvillea plants were not blooming. If you are facing the same issue don't forget to check: Why there are no flowers on Bougainvillea but only leaves, I have shared a solution to it.

If you are planning to grow it read: how to grow bougainvillea in Florida

Bougainvillea comes in a lot of colors and varieties. You should consider pruning in February to March. It will help the plant maintain good shape.

Rangoon Creeper

Do not over-prune this plant. If you do so, it will act more like a shrub instead of a vine.

Rangoon Creeper
Rangoon Creeper

To help vines climb fences or walls, consider using threads or tape (readily available in stores) to loosely secure the vines to the surfaces. Then when they are stable, you can remove the tapes or threads.

Tip: Do not go for tight knots. It can harm the vines.

Star Jasmine

Star jasmine can be one of the best flowering vine plants if you consider the fragrance. They do very well on fences and trellis in South Florida.

Star Jasmine
Star Jasmine vines

Shade-loving flowering vines in South Florida

Plant Name Maintenance Difficulty Training or Support Perennial or Annual
Climbing Hydrangea Moderate Wall or Trellis Perennial
Bleeding Heart Vine Easy Trellis or Fence Perennial
Carolina Jessamine Easy Fence or Arbor Perennial
Black-Eyed Susan Vine Easy Trellis or Pole Annual
Sweet Autumn Clematis Moderate Trellis or Arbor Perennial
Pipevine Moderate Trellis or Wall Perennial
Japanese Honeysuckle Easy Fence or Wall Perennial

I know the list is short. But these flowering vines will make your fences, walls, and trellis look better than ever.

South Florida Native flowering vines

Natives are the easiest to grow and they need less caring. Native plants support the local wildlife.

If you are a native planter like me read: Easy to grow Florida native plants

Plant Name Maintenance Difficulty Training or Support Perennial or Annual
Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) Easy Trellis or Fence Perennial
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) Moderate Trellis or Arbor Perennial
Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) Easy Fence or Wall Perennial
Corkystem Passionflower (Passiflora suberosa) Easy Trellis or Natural Climber Perennial
Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) Easy Fence or Arbor Perennial
Climbing Aster (Aster carolinianus) Moderate Trellis or Fence Perennial

If you want to attract butterflies check: best plants to attract butterflies in South Florida

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