Get rid of Plumeria Rust - Prevention

Rust on Plumeria

Being a Plumeria lover, I love to see the healthy Plumeria plant all year round. But unfortunately, there are a lot of diseases that we can't ignore. One of the major diseases of the Plumeria plant is the Rust fungus problem.

In this article, I will let you know what to do to get rid of rust on Plumeria leaves.

The reasons for Rust diseases in Plumeria

Pathogenic fungi are responsible for Rust disease on the leaves (These are actually obligate parasites). As these are parasites, these fungi can only infect living bodies.

Whenever the spore of the fungus gets in touch with the Plumeria plant's surface, it starts to reproduce and in this way, the rust disease spreads.

However, there are various types of pathogenic fungi. I will not explain in brief as my main concern is to get rid of this disease.

You can check: Plumeria Leaves Yellowing - Causes and Solution

How to prevent Plumeria from Rust

As I just explained the reason for this disease, you already know that we should keep our plants out of those evil spores of the rust fungi.

If your Plumeria plant just caught rust on the leaves and the rust is not that much, then simply cut off the leaves and throw those far away.

Water and hydrogen peroxide mix: Mix water and Hydrogen peroxide and spray on your Plumeria plant. This solution will dissolve the rust. To strengthen the solution, you can decrease the amount of water in the solution.

Note: After spraying, do not forget to spray on the bottom of the plant and on the soil as well so that fallen rust is also wiped off.

Fungicides: You can buy fungicides from shops and apply those to your Plumeria. You can consult with the shopkeeper as well. Few fungicides can fight multiple diseases at once.

Copper sulfate spray: Spraying copper sulfate on the plant can remove rust.

But I will never recommend this as this spray is harmful to the soil.

Good luck with the rust removal journey for your Plumeria!

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