Desert Rose (Adenium) performs well in warm climates and thus it is important to take good care of your desert rose in wintertime. In cooler regions, it's essential to give Desert Rose extra care to help it overwinter. I was a complete newbie when I first grew my desert rose a few years back. But challenges make me a lot better at taking care of desert roses. This article will cover everything you need to know overwintering your desert rose plant.
No matter, if you are growing your Desert Rose from seed or directly planted, the caring will be the same.
Understand the Dormancy of Desert Rose
Desert Rose enters a state of dormancy during colder months. You will notice the growth rate slowing down in this phase. Don't panic, it's natural, and in this way, desert rose saves energy for the next growing season. You may also notice the leaves getting yellowish and falling off just like the below picture.

So why do you need to know this? Because it's important to know the proper time of the dormancy phase. If you don't know and start taking dormancy care at the wrong time, it will cause stress to your plant.
If you are a first-time Adenium grower, you may be wondering if your plant is dying or not. It's natural and absolutely fine.
Overwintering Desert Rose
Now as you can identify your plant's dormancy phase, it's time to start the unique care for your desert rose. Here are the things you need to know:
- When should you take your desert rose indoors
- What will be the Right Lighting in the dormancy phase of your desert rose
- Watering guide in this phase
- Do you really need to fertilize your desert rose during dormancy
- Maintaining proper humidity and temperature (if possible)
- Can you prune your desert rose in winter
- Tips for colder places with no scope of taking the plant outdoors
I am giving you the proper guide for extreme care so that your desert rose stays healthy during the whole winter.
If you face difficulty in maintaining all my guidelines at least bring the desert rose indoors and follow my watering instructions. ( I know maintaining a lot of plants at the same time can be difficult )
When to take Desert Rose indoors
Whatever plants perform well in warm climates, all are sensitive to cold temperatures and Desert Rose is not an exception. Check the night temperature regularly. (You can use any weather app or simply Google search the weather )
Once you witness the nighttime temperatures consistently dropping below 50°F (10°C), it’s time to bring your Desert Rose indoors. If you leave it outdoors during those colder times, your plant can face cold damage.
I am simply suggesting you bring your plant before the first frost.
Tip: It's best if you can keep your plant at a shaded place first for a few days before completely taking it indoors.
What to do if my plant is planted in the ground?
If you have planted your dessert rose in the ground and you are from a cooler zone, my friend you made a mistake. Still, you can use a frost blanket and cover your plant during the dormancy.
How much light does Desert Rose need in the dormancy?
In dormancy, you should give your plant a good amount of indirect sunlight. Place your Desert Rose at a south-facing window or at a place where it can get a good amount of light.
If you don't have a place like that you can use a glow light.
How much water you should give your Desert Rose in the winter
During dormancy, your plant will need significantly less amount of water as its growth rate will be significantly less. This is as simple as that.
The plant will not die due to the lack of water, but it might die due to root rot if you overwater your Desert Rose during winter (dormancy).
- Give water every few weeks.
- Check if the soil is well drained. (For potted plants check the holes) The water should not be sitting in the soil for a long time.
- Water only when the soil is completely dry.
- If you notice leaves are dropping rapidly, it's time to reduce the watering as well.
Fertilizer during dormancy
Applying fertilizer to your desert rose during dormancy can do more harm than good. Only actively growing plants need extra nutrients. But if you wish you can use a minimum amount of slow-releasing fertilizer or completely organic compost.
Tip: After dormancy, once you notice new growth, you can start feeding your plant. (But not a big amount directly after dormancy)
Maintaining temperature
If your plant is potted, make sure the temperature is above 60°F (15°C). Previously I told you to place your plant near the window to get enough light. But in the night, keep your plant away from the cold window.
Pruning during dormancy
Pruning is not necessary but it can help your plant to look nicer. (Just like our haircuts)
If your plant has grown leggy or unruly during the growing season, you can consider light pruning. You should prune your desert rose in winter.
Do not go for hard pruning as it takes longer to recover in winter.
Pruning for colder places
In this type of colder region, your plant needs to be inside your home year-round. That does not mean that pruning is not required. I will suggest you carefully notice the growth pattern of your desert rose. There must be an active growing season and a dormancy phase. Consider growing season for the pruning.
Do not prune at the very beginning of the growing phase. Once you find at least three mature leaves after the growing phase started, you can consider pruning.
If you do the pruning, always fertilize your plant (diluted fertilizer). It will help to recover your plant quickly.
I am a bit serious about this plant as growing Desert Rose was a recommendation from someone I love.
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