How to Encourage Canna Lilies to Bloom

Encourage canna lilies to bloom

I am back again with another blooming guide article. In this article, we will learn how we can encourage our canna plants to bloom more. Do not worry if your canna lily plant is not blooming.

In my previous article, I have shown the most effective way to germinate canna lilies from seeds. Even if you succeeded in that, you may face no flowering issue on the canna lily plant.

Myths about blooming encouragement

I have heard a lot of people saying "Oh man! You may try using Garlic water or Onion water spray to have more blooms on your plant". Believe me, all these are myths.

Aspirin water: Some people believe dissolving aspirin in water and watering plants with it will encourage blooming or make them grow stronger. There’s some evidence aspirin can boost plant immunity, but its effects on blooming are unclear.

Banana peels: This is a popular idea where banana peels are added to soil or steeped in water to promote blooms, especially in roses. While they do provide potassium, which is essential for flowering, banana peels alone won’t make a huge difference unless your soil is already lacking nutrients.

There are a lot of other myths like using Epsom salt, milk, or beer or adding sugar water. These remedies will not harm your canna lily but you can't expect blooming from it.

Encourage Canna Lilies to Bloom

You just need to make sure the plant is getting full sunlight and has well-drained soil.

Use a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) during the growing season to promote growth, but for better blooms, switch to a high-phosphorus fertilizer (like 5-10-5) when flower buds start to form. Phosphorus is crucial for flower development.

If possible use seaweed or kelp extract, that contains natural growth hormones. Natural hormones are best to encourage blooming on any flowering plant including canna lilies.

Good luck.

Canna lily from seeds
How to Germinate Canna Lily Seeds - Effectively