Why Are Your Carrots So Small? Causes & Solutions

My Carrots are so small

I can remember when I was a complete beginner in the gardening field, and I had just started high school. This was the time when I first gave a try growing carrots. But when harvesting, I found that my carrots were so small.

But I didn't give up and spent my time learning. After three years, I was able to grow bigger carrots, just like the ones bought from the store. It was possible for me as I was then aware of the factors that decide the size and growth of the carrots.

I know there are many newbies there who are disheartened after harvesting small carrots. So, in this article, I am sharing the reasons behind the smaller size of carrots and giving you the solution to grow perfect carrots.

The reasons are listed in a specific order. The first reason is the most common reason. The last reason is the least common to see.

Causes of smaller carrots and solutions

Below are listed the common reasons and solutions for the smaller size of your carrots:

Poor soil quality

Rocky or compacted soil is one of the common reasons for smaller carrots. If your garden has heavy, compacted, or rocky soil, it will restrict the root growth of your carrots.

Solution: Carrots need loose, crumbly, and well-drained sandy soil. This type of soil can support long root growth. If your soil is not ready, you can do it by mixing 2-3 inches of compost before planting. You can use a garden fork to loosen your soil. You can also use deep containers or raised garden beds. It will help you to improve drainage system and soil quality easily.


If the carrots are too close to each other, they will compete for nutrients and water for growing. It causes underdeveloped carrots that are smaller in size.

Solution: In the time of seeding, be sure to keep enough space between each seed. If your seedlings are so crowded and your carrots are 2 to 4 inches tall, it is better to thin carrots to 1-2 inches apart.

Too much nitrogen

Too much nitrogen causes leafy growth instead of root development. This is because the energy is used for growing the foliar instead of the roots. Over-fertilizing often causes this issue. ( I have mentioned this point many times in the other articles)

Solution: Avoid over-fertilizing in order to prevent this issue. It is better to use a moderate amount of balanced organic fertilizer like 5-5-5. Well, in the last few years, I have always used compost instead of any chemical fertilizers.

Not enough sunlight

Carrots need at least 6 hours of daily direct sunlight. If your carrots are not getting enough sunlight, they will not grow well, and the roots will be stunted. You can also witness the top leafy part being smaller due to insufficient sunlight.

Solution: Find a space in your garden that has enough direct sunlight. Be sure they are getting at least 6 hours of daily direct sunlight.

Insufficient water

Inconsistent and insufficient watering can lead to the stunted growth of your carrots.

Solution: Keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy.

Planting Too Deep

Too deep sowing of carrot seeds can cause the smaller size of roots. The seeds need to be planted shallow, not more than 1⁄3 inch deep. Planting seeds too deep may inhibit germination or result in seedlings that fail to push through the excess soil.

Solution: It is Better to sow seeds on the surface of the soil. It will ensure the seeds are not deep in the soil. After that, sprinkle them on a light layer of fine soil or compost. Gently water to keep the top layer moist.

Harvested too early

If you harvest your carrots too early, then they will not be mature enough, and you can find your carrots small.

Solution: Allow your carrots to fully mature. It usually takes 60-80 days.

There are some varieties of carrots available that are naturally smaller even after they mature. For example, Parisian and Little Finger varieties.