What to plant in November in Florida

What to Plant in November in Florida

Last time, my article was on a planting guide for October in Florida. I promised my regular readers, that I would come back with the November planting guide for Florida gardeners next month and here I am. In this article, I will let you know what to plant in November in Florida.

I know there are different climates in Florida according to the regions, thus I have categorized the planting calendar into three parts.

  1. November planting guide for North Florida
  2. November planting guide for Central Florida
  3. November planting guide for South Florida

No matter where you live in Florida, you can use this planting guide.

The people new to my blog can check The full-year planting calendar for Florida.

Those who missed the November planting can go for the December planting.

I have a real passion for growing a variety of plants, from veggies and fruits to herbs and native species. So I divided this planting guide into some subcategories to choose the plants according to your choice.

  1. Leafy greens
  2. Roots and Vegetables
  3. Flowering plants
  4. Herbs

Those who are fond of planting natives can check: Easy to grow Florida Native plants

Tip: To make it easy to read, I have created tables to list the plants and the basic info. You are suggested to scroll the table side-wise to see all the details on the data table. (For mobile devices)

Let's start!

What to plant in November in North Florida

North Florida's climate is comparatively cooler in winter. This means it allows you to plant a variety of veggies and other plants that you can't usually plant in other regions. You should keep your eyes on the weather app in November if you are from North Florida.

I'll begin with the leafy greens and then move on to other plants.

Leafy greens to plant in November

I am only adding those plants to my list that can perform the best in North Florida if planted in November. There are plenty of other plants you can plant and grow in November but I can't include all those in a single article.

Plant Name Variety Suggestions Planting Method Spacing Harvesting Time
Spinach Bloomsdale, Olympia Direct Seed 6 inches apart 40-50 days
Lettuce Romaine, Butterhead Transplanting 8-12 inches apart 45-55 days
Kale Winterbor, Lacinato Transplanting 12-18 inches apart 60-70 days
Collard Greens Georgia Southern, Champion Transplanting 18-24 inches apart 55-75 days
Swiss Chard Bright Lights, Fordhook Giant Direct Seed 12 inches apart 50-60 days
Arugula Rocket, Astro Direct Seed 4-6 inches apart 20-40 days
Mustard Greens Southern Giant Curled, Red Giant Transplanting 12-18 inches apart 30-50 days
Bok Choy Joi Choi, Baby Bok Choy Transplanting 6-8 inches apart 45-60 days

The harvesting time mentioned here is the mature regular harvesting time. If you want to harvest a bit earlier, that's totally fine.

Spinach is prone to water rot, so maintain a good water drainage system.

Kale is highly cold-tolerant, and if it happens to experience a light frost, you'll notice its flavor becomes even richer.

For collard greens, you may notice yellow leaves. Do not forget to remove those regularly. If you are a lazy gardener, I will suggest not to plant this.

Vegetables and roots to plant in November - North Florida

In my previous table, I only included leafy greens so here's the table for vegetables and roots. (No leafy greens are included here)

Plant Name Variety Suggestions Planting Method Spacing Harvest Time Type
Carrots Danvers, Nantes Direct Seed 2-4 inches apart 70-80 days Root
Beets Detroit Dark Red, Chioggia Direct Seed 3-4 inches apart 50-60 days Root
Turnips Purple Top, White Globe Direct Seed 4-6 inches apart 50-60 days Root
Radishes Cherry Belle, French Breakfast Direct Seed 2-3 inches apart 25-30 days Root
Garlic California Early, Chesnok Red Plant Cloves 4-6 inches apart 8-9 months Root
Onions Yellow Granex, Texas Sweet Transplant or Seed 4-6 inches apart 100-120 days Root
Shallots French Red, Dutch Yellow Plant Cloves 6 inches apart 90-120 days Root
Peas Green Arrow, Sugar Snap Direct Seed 2-4 inches apart 60-70 days Vegetable
Broccoli Calabrese, Green Magic Transplanting 18-24 inches apart 60-80 days Vegetable
Cauliflower Snowball, Graffiti Transplanting 18-24 inches apart 70-90 days Vegetable

Flowering Plants to be planted in November in North Florida

Plant Name Variety Suggestions Planting Method Spacing Flowering Time Type
Pansies Cool Wave, Majestic Giant Transplanting 6-12 inches apart Winter to Spring Annual
Snapdragons Antirrhinum, Rocket Transplanting 10-12 inches apart Winter to Spring Annual
Calendula Orange King, Pacific Beauty Direct Seed 12 inches apart Winter to Spring Both
Chrysanthemums Garden Mum, Daisy Mum Transplanting 12-18 inches apart Fall to Winter Perennial
Petunias Wave, Superbells Transplanting 12 inches apart Spring to Summer Annual
Violas Sorbet, Antique Shades Transplanting 6-8 inches apart Winter to Spring Both
Ornamental Cabbage Osaka, Nagoya Transplanting 12-18 inches apart Winter Perennial
Amaryllis Hippeastrum, Red Lion Direct Seed 12-18 inches apart Winter to Spring Both

I have written the Annual flowering plants name in orange color and perennials are in black. Red-colored plant names can be considered as both annual and perennial. If you keep them alive and prune them properly you will get a lot of flowers later on.

If you want to grow Calendula, check my guidelines: How to grow and care calendula

Herbs to plant in November - North Florida

Herb Name Variety Suggestions Planting Method Spacing Harvest Time Type
Chives Common Chives, Garlic Chives Direct Seed or Transplant 6-8 inches apart 60-90 days Perennial
Cilantro Santo, Leisure Direct Seed 6-8 inches apart 45-70 days Annual
Dill Fernleaf, Bouquet Direct Seed 12 inches apart 40-60 days Annual
Parsley Italian Flat Leaf, Curled Leaf Direct Seed or Transplant 6-8 inches apart 70-90 days Biennial
Sage Garden Sage, Purple Sage Transplant 18-24 inches apart 75-90 days Perennial
Thyme English Thyme, Lemon Thyme Transplant 12 inches apart 80-90 days Perennial
Oregano Greek Oregano, Italian Oregano Transplant 12 inches apart 80-90 days Perennial
Fennel Florence Fennel, Bronze Fennel Direct Seed or Transplant 12-18 inches apart 80-100 days Perennial
Marjoram Sweet Marjoram Transplant 12 inches apart 80-90 days Perennial
Lavender English Lavender, Hidcote Transplant 12-18 inches apart 90-120 days Perennial

Growing lavender in Zone 9 can be an interesting journey.

What to plant in November in Central Florida

Central Florida is comparatively warmer in winter if you compare it with North Florida, but the opposite when you compare it with South Florida. The veggies and roots are still almost the same here. You can find almost most of the veggies and roots common here.

Leafy greens to plant in November - Central Florida

Leafy Green Variety Suggestions Planting Method Spacing Harvest Time
Spinach Bloomsdale, Tyee Direct Seed 6 inches apart 35-45 days
Lettuce Romaine, Butterhead Direct Seed or Transplant 8-12 inches apart 40-55 days
Collard Greens Georgia, Champion Direct Seed or Transplant 12-18 inches apart 60-85 days
Kale Dinosaur, Winterbor Direct Seed or Transplant 12-18 inches apart 50-70 days
Swiss Chard Bright Lights, Fordhook Giant Direct Seed or Transplant 12 inches apart 50-60 days
Mustard Greens Florida Broadleaf, Southern Giant Direct Seed 6-8 inches apart 35-45 days
Arugula Rocket, Wild Direct Seed 6 inches apart 20-30 days
Bok Choy Joi Choi, Tatsoi Direct Seed or Transplant 6-8 inches apart 45-60 days

Vegetables and roots to plant in November in Central Florida

Vegetable Variety Suggestions Planting Method Spacing Harvest Time
Bell Peppers California Wonder, Sweet Banana Transplant 18-24 inches apart 70-90 days
Eggplant Black Beauty, Rosa Bianca Transplant 24 inches apart 70-90 days
Sweet Potatoes Beauregard, Jewel Transplant Slips 12-18 inches apart 90-120 days
Cucumbers Marketmore, English Slicing Direct Seed or Transplant 12-24 inches apart 50-70 days
Carrots Nantes, Imperator Direct Seed 2-4 inches apart 70-80 days
Radishes Cherry Belle, French Breakfast Direct Seed 1 inch apart 25-30 days
Snap Beans Blue Lake, Kentucky Wonder Direct Seed 3-4 inches apart 50-60 days
Summer Squash Zucchini, Yellow Crookneck Direct Seed or Transplant 24 inches apart 50-70 days

Among these, you can grow Bell peppers and Eggplant in pots as well. (Even radishes)

Bell pepper
Bell pepper (Ignore the mud spots)

I enjoy growing eggplant in November because this time of year sees fewer pest attacks, making it easier to manage their susceptibility to pests.


Flowering Plants to plant in November - Central Florida

Plant Name Variety Suggestions Planting Method Spacing Flowering Time Type
Marigolds French Marigold, African Marigold Direct Seed or Transplant 8-12 inches apart Spring to Fall Annual
Pansies Cool Wave, Majestic Giant Transplanting 6-12 inches apart Winter to Spring Annual
Snapdragons Antirrhinum, Rocket Transplanting 10-12 inches apart Winter to Spring Annual
Calendula Orange King, Pacific Beauty Direct Seed or Transplant 12 inches apart Winter to Spring Annual
Chrysanthemums Garden Mum, Daisy Mum Transplanting 12-18 inches apart Fall to Winter Perennial
Violas Sorbet, Antique Shades Transplanting 6-8 inches apart Winter to Spring Annual
Alyssum Sweet Alyssum Direct Seed or Transplant 6-8 inches apart Spring to Fall Annual
Petunias Wave, Superbells Transplanting 12 inches apart Spring to Fall Annual

Herbs to be planted in November month in Central Florida

Herb Name Variety Suggestions Planting Method Spacing Harvest Time Type
Basil Genovese, Thai, Lemon Direct Seed or Transplant 12 inches apart Summer to Fall Annual
Cilantro Curly Leaf, Coriander Direct Seed 6-12 inches apart Spring to Fall Annual
Parsley Flat Leaf, Curly Leaf Direct Seed or Transplant 12 inches apart Spring to Fall Biennial (grown as an annual)
Thyme English, Lemon, French Direct Seed or Transplant 12 inches apart Year-round Perennial
Oregano Greek, Italian Direct Seed or Transplant 12 inches apart Year-round Perennial
Sage Common, Pineapple Direct Seed or Transplant 12-18 inches apart Year-round Perennial
Dill Fernleaf, Bouquet Direct Seed 12 inches apart Summer to Fall Annual
Chives Garlic Chives, Common Chives Direct Seed or Transplant 12 inches apart Year-round Perennial

What to plant in November in South Florida

South Florida is the heaven for gardeners. You can even grow some of the plants as perennial here ( but they are known as annual in other regions).

Leafy greens to plant in November - South Florida

Leafy Green Name Variety Suggestions Planting Method Spacing Harvest Time
Spinach Bloomsdale, Tyee Direct Seed or Transplant 12 inches apart 30-45 days after planting
Lettuce Butterhead, Romaine, Leaf Direct Seed or Transplant 12-18 inches apart 30-60 days after planting
Kale Curly, Lacinato, Siberian Direct Seed or Transplant 12-18 inches apart 55-75 days after planting
Swiss Chard Bright Lights, Fordhook Giant Direct Seed or Transplant 12-18 inches apart 50-60 days after planting
Mustard Greens Southern Giant, Red Giant Direct Seed 12 inches apart 30-40 days after planting

Vegetables and roots to plant in November in South Florida

Vegetable/Root Name Variety Suggestions Planting Method Spacing Harvest Time
Carrots Imperator, Nantes Direct Seed 2-4 inches apart 70-80 days after planting
Beets Detroit Dark Red, Golden Beet Direct Seed 2-4 inches apart 50-60 days after planting
Radishes Cherry Belle, French Breakfast Direct Seed 1-2 inches apart 25-30 days after planting
Turnips Hakurei, Purple Top Direct Seed 2-4 inches apart 30-60 days after planting
Sweet Potatoes Beauregard, Jewel Transplant 12-18 inches apart 90-120 days after planting
Onions Granex, Yellow Granex Transplant 4-6 inches apart 90-120 days after planting

Flowering Plants to plant in November - South Florida

Plant Name Variety Suggestions Planting Method Spacing Flowering Time Annual or Perennial
Marigolds French, African Direct Seed or Transplant 8-12 inches apart Spring to Frost Annual
Pansies Cool Wave, Majestic Giant Transplanting 6-12 inches apart Winter to Spring Annual
Snapdragons Antirrhinum, Rocket Transplanting 10-12 inches apart Winter to Spring Annual
Chrysanthemums Garden Mum, Daisy Mum Transplanting 12-18 inches apart Fall to Winter Perennial
Salvia Salvia splendens, Blue Salvia Transplanting 12-18 inches apart Spring to Fall Perennial
Vinca Madagascar Periwinkle Direct Seed or Transplant 10-12 inches apart Summer to Frost Annual

Marigolds will keep away a lot of pests from your garden.

Herbs to be planted in November month in South Florida

Herb Name Variety Suggestions Planting Method Spacing Harvest Time
Basil Genovese, Thai Direct Seed or Transplant 12 inches apart 60-90 days after planting
Cilantro Slow Bolt, Santo Direct Seed 6-8 inches apart 30-50 days after planting
Parsley Curly, Flat-leaf Direct Seed or Transplant 10-12 inches apart 70-90 days after planting
Dill Fernleaf, Bouquet Direct Seed 12 inches apart 40-60 days after planting
Oregano Greek, Italian Direct Seed or Transplant 12 inches apart 90-120 days after planting
Thyme English, Lemon Thyme Direct Seed or Transplant 12 inches apart 80-100 days after planting

If you are in a hurricane-prone area, I suggest you read: How to Protect Your Plants from Hurricanes

It took a lot of time to create these tables, I will be glad if you take your time to subscribe this site, It's Free! And don't forget to share with other Florida gardeners.

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