What to Plant in February in Florida

What to Plant in February in Florida

Seeds can be started indoors or planted directly outdoors in Florida during February. In this article, you will find charts for everything you need for February planting in Florida.

As Florida is a warmer state, you can start most of the plants outdoors. In North Florida, you can consider starting seeds indoors.

This planting guide is for every gardener from Florida. This means I will provide:

  1. Seeds to start indoors in February ( North, Central and South Florida )
  2. What to plant outdoors in February ( North, Central and South Florida)

I love growing vegetables, herbs, flowering plants, and fruit trees at the same time.

Each section will include charts for:

  1. Vegetables
  2. Herbs
  3. Flowering Plants
  4. Berries

If you want to grow fruit trees, you can refer to this: Best fruit trees to grow in Florida

Note: This is a monthly planting calendar for a specific month (February) not a yearly planting calendar for Florida. If you want the best planting time for any specific plant read: full year planting chart: Florida Planting Calendar

Let's start with indoor seed starting...

Seeds to start indoors in February in Florida

I have already mentioned that Florida is a warmer state and we can start most of the seeds and plants outdoors. It's better to start a few of the seeds indoors that have a longer growing season.

For seed starting in February, I am only recommending vegetables and flowering plants. You can find the berries and herbs in the outdoor planting section.

Scroll the table side-wise on small screen devices to find all the details.


In this chart, you will find: region, variety recommendations, germination time, optimal germination temp. and transplanting time for each plant.

Vegetable Region Variety Recommendations Germination Time (Days) Optimal Germination Temp (°F) Transplanting Time
Tomato Central, North Florida 91, Solar Fire 5-10 70-85 4-6 weeks
Peppers Central, North California Wonder, Jupiter 7-21 75-85 6-8 weeks
Eggplant Central, South Black Beauty, Florida Market 7-14 75-90 6-8 weeks
Cabbage North, Central Brunswick, Golden Acre 5-10 65-75 4-6 weeks
Broccoli North, Central Packman, Green Magic 5-10 65-75 4-6 weeks
Lettuce North, Central Buttercrunch, Romaine 7-10 60-75 3-4 weeks
Onions North, Central Texas Early Grano, White Bermuda 7-14 65-75 8-10 weeks
Cauliflower North, Central Snowball, Self-Blanching 7-14 65-75 4-6 weeks
Kale North, Central Lacinato, Winterbor 5-10 65-75 4-6 weeks
Swiss Chard North, Central Bright Lights, Fordhook Giant 7-14 65-75 4-6 weeks
Celery North, Central Tango, Utah 52-70 10-21 65-75 8-10 weeks
Parsley North, Central Italian Flat Leaf, Moss Curled 14-21 65-75 6-8 weeks
Collard Greens North, Central Georgia Southern, Top Bunch 5-10 65-75 4-6 weeks
Brussels Sprouts North Jade Cross, Long Island Improved 7-14 65-75 6-8 weeks

Flowering seeds

Flower Region Type Germination Time (Days) Optimal Germination Temp (°F) Transplanting Time
Marigold Statewide Annual 5-7 70-75 4-6 weeks
Zinnia Statewide Annual 5-7 70-80 4-6 weeks
Sunflower Central, North Annual 7-10 70-85 3-4 weeks
Pentas Central, South Perennial 14-21 75-80 6-8 weeks
Salvia Statewide Perennial 10-14 70-75 6-8 weeks
Cosmos Statewide Annual 7-10 70-80 4-6 weeks
Snapdragon North, Central Annual 10-14 65-75 6-8 weeks
Petunia Statewide Annual 10-14 70-75 6-8 weeks
Gaillardia (Blanket Flower) Central, North Perennial 10-14 70-80 6-8 weeks
Echinacea (Coneflower) Central, North Perennial 10-21 65-75 8-10 weeks
Lantana Central, South Perennial 30-60 75-85 8-10 weeks
Verbena Statewide Perennial 14-28 70-75 6-8 weeks
Rudbeckia (Black-Eyed Susan) North, Central Perennial 7-14 65-75 6-8 weeks
Ageratum (Floss Flower) Statewide Annual 7-14 70-80 6-8 weeks
Alyssum North, Central Annual 5-14 65-75 6-8 weeks
Bi colored petunia
I love this Bi color petunia

What to plant outdoors in February in Florida

In this section, you will find plants of each category.

Let's start with vegetables. (Growing your own food in Florida is really easy)

Vegetables to start

Vegetable Region Planting Method Harvest Time (Days) Variety Recommendations
Carrot North, Central Direct Sow 70-80 Nantes, Danvers, Imperator
Beets North, Central Direct Sow 50-60 Detroit Dark Red, Golden, Chioggia
Lettuce Statewide Direct Sow or Transplant 40-60 Romaine, Butterhead, Leaf Lettuce
Spinach North, Central Direct Sow 40-50 Bloomsdale, Space, Tyee
Radish Statewide Direct Sow 20-30 Cherry Belle, French Breakfast, White Icicle
Onion (Green) Statewide Direct Sow or Sets 50-70 Evergreen Bunching, White Lisbon
Broccoli North, Central Transplant 70-90 Packman, Green Magic, Waltham 29
Cauliflower North, Central Transplant 75-85 Snowball, Cheddar, Purple Head
Swiss Chard Statewide Direct Sow 50-60 Bright Lights, Fordhook Giant
Tomato Central, South Transplant 60-80 Roma, Cherry, Beefsteak
Peppers (Sweet & Hot) Central, South Transplant 70-90 Bell, Jalapeño, Banana Pepper
Eggplant Central, South Transplant 80-100 Black Beauty, Ichiban, Rosa Bianca
Cucumber Central, South Direct Sow 50-65 Marketmore, Straight Eight, Boston Pickling
Squash (Zucchini, Yellow) Central, South Direct Sow 40-60 Black Beauty, Crookneck, Patty Pan
Sweet Corn Central, South Direct Sow 60-90 Silver Queen, Peaches & Cream, Golden Bantam
Beans (Bush & Pole) Statewide Direct Sow 50-70 Blue Lake, Kentucky Wonder, Contender
Watermelon Central, South Direct Sow 80-100 Crimson Sweet, Sugar Baby, Charleston Gray
Cantaloupe Central, South Direct Sow 75-90 Aphrodite, Hales Best, Ambrosia
Okra Central, South Direct Sow 50-60 Clemson Spineless, Jambalaya, Red Burgundy

Due to the humid climate of South Florida, your veggies can be attacked by aphids. You can read this guideline: Get rid of aphids on eggplant

Flowering plants

This time I have added an extra column for fragrance.

Flower Region Planting Method Perennial or Annual Fragrance
Marigold Statewide Direct Sow or Transplant Annual Mild
Zinnia Statewide Direct Sow Annual None
Petunia Central, South Transplant Annual Light
Sunflower Statewide Direct Sow Annual None
Salvia Central, South Direct Sow or Transplant Perennial Mild
Verbena Statewide Transplant Perennial Moderate
Cosmos Statewide Direct Sow Annual None
Alyssum Central, South Direct Sow or Transplant Annual Strong, Sweet
Snapdragon North, Central Transplant Annual Mild
Lavender Central, South Transplant Perennial Strong
Hollyhock North, Central Direct Sow Biennial Light
Black-Eyed Susan Statewide Direct Sow Perennial None
Butterfly Weed Statewide Direct Sow Perennial Light
Impatiens Central, South Transplant Annual None
Morning Glory Statewide Direct Sow Annual Light
Sweet Pea North, Central Direct Sow Annual Strong, Sweet
Coreopsis Statewide Direct Sow Perennial None
Phlox Statewide Direct Sow or Transplant Annual Moderate
Gaillardia (Blanket Flower) Statewide Direct Sow Perennial None

I will not suggest growing Lavender and cosmos in South Florida in February if you are a beginner gardener.

You can read this guide: how to grow lavender in Zone 9

Cosmos in Florida
Cosmos in Florida

Herbs to start in February in Florida

Herb Region Planting Method Perennial or Annual Variety Recommendations Flavor
Basil Central, South Direct Sow or Transplant Annual Genovese, Thai, Lemon Basil Sweet, Spicy, Citrusy
Cilantro North, Central Direct Sow Annual Santo, Slow Bolt Citrusy, Peppery
Dill Statewide Direct Sow Annual Bouquet, Fernleaf Fresh, Anise-Like
Parsley Statewide Direct Sow or Transplant Biennial Italian Flat-Leaf, Curly Earthy, Slightly Bitter
Thyme Central, South Transplant Perennial English, Lemon Thyme Woody, Citrus Notes
Rosemary Statewide Transplant Perennial Arp, Tuscan Blue Piney, Earthy
Oregano Central, South Transplant Perennial Greek, Italian Bold, Slightly Bitter
Mint Statewide Transplant Perennial Peppermint, Spearmint Cool, Refreshing
Chives North, Central Direct Sow Perennial Common, Garlic Chives Mild Onion, Garlicky
Sage Central, South Transplant Perennial Common, Purple Sage Earthy, Slightly Peppery
Tarragon Central, South Transplant Perennial French, Russian Anise-Like, Mildly Sweet
Lavender Central, South Transplant Perennial Munstead, Hidcote Floral, Slightly Bitter
Fennel Statewide Direct Sow Perennial Florence, Bronze Sweet, Licorice-Like
Lemongrass Central, South Transplant Perennial West Indian, East Indian Citrusy, Herbal
Statewide means you can plant that anywhere in the Florida state in February.

If you are a first-time rosemary grower check: how to grow rosemary in Florida

Lemon grass in Florida
Lemon grass in Florida

I love to grow lemon grass and use the leaves to make tea.

Note: Lemon grass spreads very fast. Thin out from the roots regularly.


Berry Region Planting Method Perennial or Annual Variety Recommendations
Strawberry North, Central Transplants Perennial (Grown as Annual in Florida) Festival, Sweet Charlie, Camarosa
Blueberry North, Central Transplants Perennial Southern Highbush, Rabbiteye (Emerald, Jewel, Misty)
Blackberry North, Central Bare-root or Container Transplants Perennial Apache, Arapaho, Natchez
Raspberry North Transplants Perennial Dorman Red, Mysore
Goji Berry Central, South Transplants Perennial Crimson Star, Phoenix Tears
Mulberry Statewide Transplants Perennial Pakistan, Dwarf Everbearing
Elderberry North, Central Transplants Perennial York, Nova
Cape Gooseberry Central, South Direct Sow or Transplant Annual Golden Berry, Poha Berry
Ground Cherry Statewide Direct Sow Annual Aunt Molly’s, Cossack Pineapple
Passion Fruit Central, South Transplants Perennial Purple Possum, Yellow Granadilla
Surinam Cherry South Transplants Perennial Florida Sweet, Lolita

Request to my readers

It takes a lot of time to create these charts. Balancing article writing and plant care can be challenging at times. Consider subscribing to this site to motivate me.

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