What to Plant in December in Florida

What to Plant in December in Florida

December is considered to be a colder month in Florida. December is a harsh cold month for many states in the United States but in Florida, you still have the chance to plant plenty of plants due to its unique climate. This article is a comprehensive guide on what to plant in December in Florida.

I publish planting calendars for Florida gardeners each month. As I promised I am here with this December planting guide. Subscribe to this site for free to get gardening tips.

If you want full year planting calendar, read: Florida Planting Calendar

December Planting Guide for Florida

If you compare three major regions of Florida (North, Central, and South Florida), North Florida is colder in December. I am dividing this planting calendar into three parts. You can check the section depending on where you live.

So our main categories are based on regions:

  1. North Florida
  2. Central Florida
  3. South Florida

In each category, there will be a few subcategories like the following:

  1. Leafy Greens
  2. Vegetables and roots
  3. Flowering Plants
  4. Berries
  5. Herbs
My intention is not to make this article long, instead I want to make it easier for the readers to find what they are looking for. Scroll the tables side-wise on mobile devices to see the full info.

Let's start!

I have added the berries but not included the fruit trees as I have separate article on that: Best fruit trees to grow in Florida ( I have added the pictures of my own garden)

Note: The list of vegetables we can grow in South and Central Florida is extensive. To keep it concise and avoid confusing readers, I’ve excluded some vegetables.

What to plant in December in North Florida

There are a lot of plants you can't plant in December here due to its cool climate. But it also allows you to plant several plants you can plant only here.

I have added a frost care column for each plant. (This is an improvement in my planting guides that will help North Florida gardeners)

Leafy greens - North Florida

Leafy Green Variety Suggestion Harvesting Time (Days) Frost Care Planting Method Spacing
Spinach Bloomsdale Long Standing 40-50 Use row covers if temperatures drop below 20°F. Direct Sow 3-6 inches apart
Lettuce Buttercrunch, Romaine 30-60 Cover with frost blankets in freezing conditions. Direct Sow or Transplant 6-12 inches apart
Collards Georgia Southern 55-75 Improves flavor with light frost; protect against hard freeze. Transplant or Direct Sow 18-24 inches apart
Kale Lacinato, Red Russian 50-65 Very frost-hardy; no additional care needed. Direct Sow or Transplant 12-18 inches apart
Mustard Greens Florida Broadleaf 30-50 Protect from hard frost using row covers. Direct Sow 6-12 inches apart
Swiss Chard Bright Lights 50-60 Can tolerate light frost; mulch around plants for insulation. Direct Sow or Transplant 12-18 inches apart
Arugula Rocket Salad 20-40 Can handle light frost; provide protection during hard freezes. Direct Sow 4-6 inches apart
Asian Greens Tatsoi, Mizuna 21-40 Frost-tolerant; thrives in cool temperatures. Direct Sow or Transplant 6-12 inches apart

Do you know that for leafy greens harvesting time can be decided by you? Yes, if you wish you can harvest earlier. The taste may vary depending on when you are harvesting. I have mentioned the regular harvesting time people follow.

Vegetable and Roots - North Florida

Vegetable/Root Variety Suggestion Harvesting Time (Days) Frost Care Planting Method Spacing Sunlight
Carrot Danvers, Nantes 60-80 Use mulch for extended cold periods. Direct Sow 1-2 inches apart Full Sun
Radish Cherry Belle, French Breakfast 20-30 No frost care needed; cold-tolerant. Direct Sow 1-2 inches apart Full Sun
Turnip Purple Top White Globe 30-60 Cold-hardy; minimal frost care needed. Direct Sow 2-4 inches apart Full Sun to Partial Sun
Beet Detroit Dark Red 50-70 Protect seedlings from freezing temperatures. Direct Sow 2-4 inches apart Full Sun to Partial Sun
Onion Granex, Texas Sweet 100-120 No frost care needed; thrives in cold weather. Transplant or Direct Sow 3-4 inches apart Full Sun
Garlic Softneck Varieties 180-210 Mulch for insulation during frosty nights. Direct Sow (Cloves) 4-6 inches apart Full Sun
Broccoli Calabrese, Green Magic 70-100 Use row covers during hard frost. Transplant 18-24 inches apart Full Sun
Cauliflower Snowball, Early White 75-85 Cold-hardy; protect heads from frost damage. Transplant 18-24 inches apart Full Sun
Brussels Sprouts Jade Cross 90-120 Frost-tolerant; improves flavor after frost. Transplant 18-24 inches apart Full Sun
Potato Red Pontiac, Yukon Gold 70-100 Cover with mulch for protection from frost. Direct Sow (Seed Potatoes) 10-12 inches apart Full Sun

Flowering Plants - North Florida

Flowering Plant Planting Method Frost Care Flower Colors Fragrances Plant Max Height Blooming Season
Pansy Transplant or Direct Sow Cold hardy, no special frost care needed Variety of colors: purple, yellow, red, white, blue Light fragrance 6-12 inches Fall to Spring
Snapdragon Transplant or Direct Sow Cold-tolerant, protect from extreme frost Variety of colors: red, pink, yellow, white, purple Fragrant flowers 12-36 inches Winter to Spring
Calendula Direct Sow Cold tolerant, minimal frost care Yellow, orange Light fragrance 12-18 inches Winter to Spring
Sweet Alyssum Direct Sow Cold hardy, needs protection in extreme frost White, purple, pink Sweet fragrance 6-12 inches Fall to Spring
Primrose Transplant Cold hardy, protect from heavy frost Pink, yellow, purple, white Light fragrance 6-8 inches Winter to Spring
Viola Direct Sow or Transplant Cold hardy, requires no frost care Variety of colors: blue, yellow, white, purple Light fragrance 6-8 inches Winter to Spring
Hellebore Transplant Cold tolerant, protect from extreme frost Pink, purple, white Subtle fragrance 12-18 inches Winter to Early Spring
Geranium Transplant Cold-sensitive, bring indoors during frost Red, pink, white, purple Fragrant flowers 12-24 inches Spring to Fall
Stock Direct Sow or Transplant Cold-hardy, light frost protection may be needed Pink, purple, white, yellow Sweet fragrance 12-24 inches Winter to Spring
Cineraria Transplant Cold-sensitive, protect from frost Blue, purple, pink, white Light fragrance 12-18 inches Winter to Spring

Berries - North Florida

Berry Plant Planting Method Taste Harvesting Time Max Plant Height Frost Care
Blueberry Transplant Sweet to tart Late Spring to Early Summer 3-6 feet Protect from frost with mulch or frost covers
Strawberry Transplant or Bare-root Sweet Spring to Early Summer 6-12 inches Use frost cloths or row covers during freezes
Blackberry Transplant Sweet, with tartness Late Spring to Summer 4-6 feet Cover with frost cloth or mulch
Raspberry Transplant Sweet, tangy Summer to Early Fall 3-5 feet Use frost cloths or mulch to protect roots
Goji Berry Transplant Slightly sweet, tangy Late Summer to Fall 6-10 feet Protect with frost covers or bring pots indoors
Wineberry Transplant Sweet and tart Summer 3-4 feet Cover with frost cloth during freezes
Mulberry Transplant Sweet, similar to blackberries Spring to Summer 10-15 feet Protect with mulch around the base
Boysenberry Transplant Sweet, with a hint of tartness Summer 4-8 feet Use frost cloths or mulch during winter
Aronia Berry Transplant Slightly tart, astringent Late Summer to Fall 3-6 feet Mulch and use frost covers when needed

Note: Mulberry and blackberry are not the same. Check the differences between Mulberry and Blackberry.

Herbs - North Florida

Herb Variety Suggestion Planting Method Flavor Perennial or Annual Max Plant Height Frost Care
Basil Genovese, Sweet Basil Direct Sow or Transplant Sweet, peppery Annual 12-24 inches Protect from frost, cover with row cover or bring indoors
Mint Peppermint, Spearmint Transplant or Root Cutting Cool, minty Perennial 12-24 inches Frost-tolerant but cover during severe freezes
Oregano Greek, Italian Direct Sow or Transplant Spicy, earthy Perennial 12-18 inches Cover or bring indoors during freezing temperatures
Thyme English, Lemon Thyme Transplant Earthy, lemony Perennial 6-12 inches Cover during frost, especially young plants
Cilantro Slow-Bolt, Santo Direct Sow Citrusy, peppery Annual 12-24 inches Protect from frost with row cover
Parsley Curly, Flat-leaf (Italian) Direct Sow or Transplant Fresh, grassy Biennial (treated as Annual) 12-18 inches Cover during frost
Chives Garlic Chives, Common Chives Transplant or Direct Sow Onion-like, mild Perennial 8-12 inches Can tolerate light frost, cover during heavy freezes
Sage Common, Purple Sage Transplant Pine-like, earthy Perennial 18-24 inches Cover during frost
Rosemary Arp, Tuscan Blue Transplant Woody, pine-like Perennial 24-36 inches Protect from frost, cover or bring indoors

Central Florida December Planting Guide

In Central Florida, frosting is not a serious issue as there is a lesser chance of frost.

I have also created a pruning schedule chart for Zone 9.

Leafy Greens - Central Florida

Leafy Green Variety Suggestion Harvesting Time (Days) Frost Care Planting Method Spacing
Spinach Bloomsdale Long Standing 40-50 Rare frost; use row covers if below 25°F. Direct Sow 3-6 inches apart
Lettuce Black Seeded Simpson, Romaine 30-60 Minimal frost care needed; watch for freezing nights. Direct Sow or Transplant 6-12 inches apart
Collards Vates, Champion 55-75 Cold-tolerant; improves flavor with light frost. Transplant or Direct Sow 18-24 inches apart
Kale Dwarf Blue Curled, Lacinato 50-65 Highly frost-resistant; thrives in cool weather. Direct Sow or Transplant 12-18 inches apart
Swiss Chard Fordhook Giant 50-60 Minimal frost protection needed; mulch around plants. Direct Sow or Transplant 12-18 inches apart
Arugula Rocket, Astro 20-40 Handles light frost; protect during hard freezes. Direct Sow 4-6 inches apart
Asian Greens Bok Choy, Tatsoi 30-50 Resistant to most frost; thrives in Central Florida winter. Direct Sow or Transplant 6-12 inches apart
Endive Frisée, Broadleaf Batavian 50-75 Frost-tolerant; blanch for milder flavor before harvesting. Direct Sow or Transplant 6-12 inches apart
Watercress Aqua, Cressida 15-30 Rare frost impact; grow in moist or hydroponic conditions. Transplant or Hydroponic 6-12 inches apart

Vegetables and Roots - Central Florida

Vegetable/Root Variety Suggestion Harvesting Time (Days) Planting Method Spacing Sunlight
Carrot Danvers, Nantes 60-80 Direct Sow 1-2 inches apart Full Sun
Radish Cherry Belle, French Breakfast 20-30 Direct Sow 1-2 inches apart Full Sun
Turnip Purple Top White Globe 30-60 Direct Sow 2-4 inches apart Full Sun to Partial Sun
Beet Detroit Dark Red 50-70 Direct Sow 2-4 inches apart Full Sun to Partial Sun
Onion Granex, Texas Sweet 100-120 Transplant or Direct Sow 3-4 inches apart Full Sun
Garlic Softneck Varieties 180-210 Direct Sow (Cloves) 4-6 inches apart Full Sun
Broccoli Calabrese, Green Magic 70-100 Transplant 18-24 inches apart Full Sun
Cauliflower Snowball, Early White 75-85 Transplant 18-24 inches apart Full Sun
Brussels Sprouts Jade Cross 90-120 Transplant 18-24 inches apart Full Sun
Potato Red Pontiac, Yukon Gold 70-100 Direct Sow (Seed Potatoes) 10-12 inches apart Full Sun

Flowering Plants - Central Florida

Flowering Plant Planting Method Flower Colors Fragrances Plant Max Height Blooming Season
Pansy Transplant or Direct Sow Variety of colors: purple, yellow, red, white, blue Light fragrance 6-12 inches Fall to Spring
Snapdragon Transplant or Direct Sow Variety of colors: red, pink, yellow, white, purple Fragrant flowers 12-36 inches Winter to Spring
Calendula Direct Sow Yellow, orange Light fragrance 12-18 inches Winter to Spring
Sweet Alyssum Direct Sow White, purple, pink Sweet fragrance 6-12 inches Fall to Spring
Primrose Transplant Pink, yellow, purple, white Light fragrance 6-8 inches Winter to Spring
Viola Direct Sow or Transplant Variety of colors: blue, yellow, white, purple Light fragrance 6-8 inches Winter to Spring
Hellebore Transplant Pink, purple, white Subtle fragrance 12-18 inches Winter to Early Spring
Geranium Transplant Red, pink, white, purple Fragrant flowers 12-24 inches Spring to Fall
Stock Direct Sow or Transplant Pink, purple, white, yellow Sweet fragrance 12-24 inches Winter to Spring
Cineraria Transplant Blue, purple, pink, white Light fragrance 12-18 inches Winter to Spring

If possible plant some of the flowering plants in pot or containers so that you can easily bring them indoors in extreme cold.

Berries - Central Florida

Berry Plant Planting Method Taste Harvesting Time Max Plant Height
Blueberry Transplant Sweet to tart Late Spring to Early Summer 3-6 feet
Strawberry Transplant or Bare-root Sweet Spring to Early Summer 6-12 inches
Blackberry Transplant Sweet, with tartness Late Spring to Summer 4-6 feet
Raspberry Transplant Sweet, tangy Summer to Early Fall 3-5 feet
Goji Berry Transplant Slightly sweet, tangy Late Summer to Fall 6-10 feet
Wineberry Transplant Sweet and tart Summer 3-4 feet
Mulberry Transplant Sweet, similar to blackberries Spring to Summer 10-15 feet
Boysenberry Transplant Sweet, with a hint of tartness Summer 4-8 feet
Aronia Berry Transplant Slightly tart, astringent Late Summer to Fall 3-6 feet

Herbs - Central Florida

Herb Variety Suggestion Planting Method Flavor Perennial or Annual Max Plant Height
Basil Genovese, Sweet Basil Direct Sow or Transplant Sweet, peppery Annual 12-24 inches
Mint Peppermint, Spearmint Transplant or Root Cutting Cool, minty Perennial 12-24 inches
Oregano Greek, Italian Direct Sow or Transplant Spicy, earthy Perennial 12-18 inches
Thyme English, Lemon Thyme Transplant Earthy, lemony Perennial 6-12 inches
Cilantro Slow-Bolt, Santo Direct Sow Citrusy, peppery Annual 12-24 inches
Parsley Curly, Flat-leaf (Italian) Direct Sow or Transplant Fresh, grassy Biennial (treated as Annual) 12-18 inches
Chives Garlic Chives, Common Chives Transplant or Direct Sow Onion-like, mild Perennial 8-12 inches
Sage Common, Purple Sage Transplant Pine-like, earthy Perennial 18-24 inches
Rosemary Arp, Tuscan Blue Transplant Woody, pine-like Perennial 24-36 inches

If you wish to grow Lavender in Zone 9. Check this guideline: How to grow Lavender in Zone 9.

South Florida December Planting Guide

Zero chance of witnessing frosts. I have not included the frost-caring column for the South Florida planting guide. If you wish you can check my full year planting calendar for South Fl.

Leafy Greens - South Florida

Leafy Green Variety Suggestion Harvesting Time (Days) Planting Method Spacing
Spinach Baby Leaf, New Zealand 40-50 Direct Sow 3-6 inches apart
Lettuce Grand Rapids, Oakleaf 30-60 Direct Sow or Transplant 6-12 inches apart
Swiss Chard Bright Lights 50-60 Direct Sow or Transplant 12-18 inches apart
Collards Georgia, Top Bunch 55-75 Transplant or Direct Sow 18-24 inches apart
Arugula Rocket, Sylvetta 20-40 Direct Sow 4-6 inches apart
Asian Greens Bok Choy, Pak Choi 30-50 Direct Sow or Transplant 6-12 inches apart
Malabar Spinach Red Stem 45-60 Transplant or Direct Sow 12 inches apart
Watercress Peppery Cress 15-30 Hydroponic or Transplant 6-12 inches apart
Amaranth Greens Red Garnet, Green Callaloo 30-45 Direct Sow 6-12 inches apart
Endive Escarole 50-75 Direct Sow or Transplant 6-12 inches apart

Vegetables and Roots - South Florida

Vegetable/Root Variety Suggestion Harvesting Time (Days) Planting Method Spacing Sunlight
Carrot Danvers, Imperator 60-80 Direct Sow 1-2 inches apart Full Sun
Radish Cherry Belle, Icicle 20-30 Direct Sow 1-2 inches apart Full Sun
Turnip Purple Top White Globe 30-60 Direct Sow 2-4 inches apart Full Sun to Partial Sun
Beet Detroit Dark Red 50-70 Direct Sow 2-4 inches apart Full Sun to Partial Sun
Onion Granex, Yellow Bermuda 100-120 Transplant or Direct Sow 3-4 inches apart Full Sun
Garlic Softneck Varieties 180-210 Direct Sow (Cloves) 4-6 inches apart Full Sun
Sweet Potato Centennial, Beauregard 90-120 Slips or Transplants 12-18 inches apart Full Sun
Tomato Roma, Cherry 60-80 Transplant 18-24 inches apart Full Sun
Eggplant Black Beauty, Fairy Tale 70-90 Transplant 18-24 inches apart Full Sun
Peppers Bell, Jalapeño 60-90 Transplant 18-24 inches apart Full Sun

Flowering Plants - South Florida

Flowering Plant Planting Method Flower Colors Fragrances Plant Max Height Blooming Season
Marigold Direct Sow or Transplant Yellow, orange, red Light fragrance 12-18 inches Winter to Spring
Geranium Transplant Red, pink, white, purple Fragrant flowers 12-24 inches Spring to Fall
Hibiscus Transplant Red, yellow, pink, orange Sweet fragrance 4-10 feet Spring to Fall
Ixora Transplant Red, orange, yellow Light fragrance 3-6 feet Year-round
Bougainvillea Transplant Pink, purple, red, orange No fragrance 10-30 feet Spring to Fall
Petunia Direct Sow or Transplant Pink, purple, red, white, yellow Sweet fragrance 6-18 inches Winter to Spring
Plumeria Transplant White, yellow, pink, red Strong fragrance 3-30 feet Spring to Fall
Vinca Direct Sow or Transplant Pink, white, red, purple No fragrance 6-12 inches Year-round
Portulaca Direct Sow Pink, red, yellow, orange No fragrance 6-12 inches Spring to Fall
Jasmine Transplant White, yellow Strong fragrance 10-15 feet Spring to Summer

Berries - South Florida

Berry Plant Planting Method Taste Harvesting Time Max Plant Height
Blueberry Transplant Sweet to tart Late Spring to Early Summer 3-6 feet
Strawberry Transplant or Bare-root Sweet Spring to Early Summer 6-12 inches
Blackberry Transplant Sweet with tartness Late Spring to Summer 4-6 feet
Raspberry Transplant Sweet, tangy Summer to Early Fall 3-5 feet
Goji Berry Transplant Slightly sweet, tangy Late Summer to Fall 6-10 feet
Mulberry Transplant Sweet, similar to blackberries Spring to Summer 10-15 feet
Wineberry Transplant Sweet and tart Summer 3-4 feet
Boysenberry Transplant Sweet with a hint of tartness Summer 4-8 feet
Aronia Berry Transplant Slightly tart, astringent Late Summer to Fall 3-6 feet

Herbs - South Florida

Herb Planting Method Flavor Perennial or Annual Max Plant Height
Basil Direct Sow or Transplant Sweet, peppery Annual 12-24 inches
Mint Transplant or Root Cutting Cool, minty Perennial 12-24 inches
Oregano Transplant or Direct Sow Pungent, savory Perennial 18-24 inches
Cilantro Direct Sow Fresh, citrusy Annual 12-24 inches
Thyme Transplant Earthy, savory Perennial 6-12 inches
Rosemary Transplant or Stem Cutting Pine-like, earthy Perennial 3-4 feet
Sage Transplant Earthy, savory Perennial 12-30 inches
Parsley Direct Sow Fresh, mild Annual 6-12 inches
Chives Transplant or Direct Sow Onion-like, mild Perennial 12-18 inches

You have reached the end of this article. So what's next? Subscribe to this site if you are from Florida to receive gardening tips. Share this with other Florida gardeners. It motivates me to write more.

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