I have a separate garden where I grow ornamental trees and plants. The garden is big enough and sometimes it becomes hard for me to look after each and every plant regularly. Recently I saw one of my Umbrella plant (Schefflera) leaves turning yellow.
I care for the plants myself, so I know their caring schedules (Like watering, fertilizing, and all). In this article, I will tell you why umbrella tree leaves turn yellow and what you need to do to cure your umbrella tree.
Note: My umbrella tree is actually the dwarf variant. However, the reasons for the yellow leaves and treatments would be the same for all the variants.
The large variant is called the Umbrella Tree, not the Umbrella Plant.
Why are my umbrella plant leaves turning yellow?
It's better to start with the reasons before jumping into treatment.
Finding the exact reason will help you to treat it accordingly. A hurry treatment might harm your umbrella tree.
Umbrella plant needs bright indirect sunlight. ( Direct sunlight in the morning and evening is fine )
I planted my Umbrella plant under a bottlebrush to provide the required shade. But I cut that 2 months ago and my Umbrella plant started getting direct sunlight since then.
Due to the direct sunlight too much, the leaves started turning yellow.
You can see the picture:

Treatment is simple. You need to provide it it's natural growing climate.
If your Umbrella plant is planted in a pot or container, try to place it inside your house near a window where it can get enough bright light and morning sunlight if possible.
I prefer to place it in my porch area. There it can get enough bright indirect light.
Have you noticed that due to the lack of sunlight mostly the newer leaves (top leaves) turn yellow. This is how you can distinguish between natural leaf yellowing and non-natural yellowing.
If you see the bottom older leaves getting yellowish, don't worry they will drop off your plant and it's a completely natural process.
Tips to check if yellow leaves are due to overwatering or under-watering:
Shake the branch using your hands, if you see the leaves falling down, take any yellow leaf and check the leaf stalk.
If you find the leaf stalk mushy, it's due to overwatering. Reduce watering for the next month.
In underwatering, the leaf stalk will not be mushy. You should consider watering it. ( The soil must be well draining)
What should you do if none of the above reasons are applicable to your umbrella plant?

It's very difficult to predict nutrient deficiency by just looking at the plant.
But here I am recommending a foliar spray you may try:
A balanced liquid fertilizer with micronutrients (e.g., 10-10-10 or 20-20-20) diluted for foliar application.
Add a small amount of iron and Epsom salt to the foliar spray.
Due to repotting, or changing the plant's location the plant may go under stress. This is what you need to do: apply kelp-based foliar spray twice a month for 2 months.
Note: Overfertilization may harm your plant.
If you find it helpful, subscribe to this site and I will be back with another plant issue and the treatment.
Have any further doubts? you can contact me or do let me know in the comment section.