Tibouchina Plant Growing and Caring Tips - Florida

Tibouchina Heteromalla

Tibouchina plant is also known as princess flower, glory bush, or purple glory tree. If you are planning to grow Tibouchina in Florida, then you just need to keep in mind that this plant can't perform well in extreme cold or frost. So if you are not from central or south Florida then only you need to take extra care in the winter season.

Tibouchina's perfect climate is humid and warm which can be found in tropical areas. Thus, you can grow Tibouchina in most of the parts of Florida easily.

The picture you are seeing at the top of this article is a Heteromalla variant. I love this variant with fuzzy velvety leaves. But the most common variant is Urvilleana. You can see the below picture:

Tibouchina Urvilleana
Tibouchina Urvilleana

Tibouchina Plant Care Information Table

Care Aspect Details
Location Full sun to partial shade. Prefers 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily.
Soil Well-drained, slightly acidic soil (pH 5.5-6.5).
Watering Keep soil consistently moist but avoid waterlogging. Mulch around the base.
Fertilizing Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring and mid-summer.
Pruning Prune in late winter or early spring. Lightly prune after blooming.
Cold Protection Protect from frost by covering with frost cloth during extreme cold or, if possible, keep it indoors.
Pests and Diseases Inspect regularly for aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies. Use neem oil for infestations.
Blooming season Spring to summer

Can we grow Tibouchina in a pot in Florida?

If you are living in a part of Florida where there is a chance of extreme cold, then it's best to grow a Tibouchina Jules variety (Dwarf) and you can put it indoors during the cold.

You can check this photo of Dwarf Tibouchina:

Tibouchina Jules
Tibouchina Jules (Dwarf Tibouchina)

A point to be noted that no one will tell you: Tibouchina plant dies easily after repotting.

So I will suggest you choose a bigger pot while planting it for the first time, so that you do not have to repot it.

Even if Tibouchina survives, the edges of the leaves can turn brown or yellowish which is not a sign of a healthy plant.

What type of soil is good for Tibouchina

Acidic soil is good for this plant. Ph level should be near about 5.5 to 6.3.

You can add Sphagnum Peat Moss to your soil to make the soil more acidic.


They love sunlight, but that does not mean they can tolerate extreme heat all day. Try to keep it in a place where it can get direct sunlight 5 hours a day. It will give you nice blooms.

When to plant Tibouchina in Florida?

The best time to plant Tibouchina is mid-March or the beginning of April.

Propagate Tibouchina from cuttings

Last year, I had success in the propagation of Tibouchina from cuttings. Take soft and green stem of 6 inches long and cut it below a leaf node. Then if you have rooting hormone then just dip the lower cut into the rooting hormone.

Once done, plant it in moist acidic soil. ( if possible pour hot water in the soil first and then after 2 hours plant your cuttings, it will help to protect your plant from getting infected )

Water once in 2 days. Do not let the soil completely dry. After 40 days, the roots will be grown and you can see the result.

Seed propagation

Seed propagation is easier than cuttings in the case of Tibouchina plant. Just collect the seeds and make sure they are completely dry. You can put the seeds under the moist soil and there should be a gap of 1 inch in between two seeds.

Keep water spraying on the seeds every day. To make the germination faster you can wrap the pot with a transparent plastic. Within 10 days you can expect the sprouts to come out from the soil. When they grow more than 2.5 inches, you can plant them in a larger pot.

Note: Tibouchina will give you more flowers if you deadhead the bloomed dry flowers.

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