Green Island Ficus Leaves Turning Yellow and Falling Off

Green Island Ficus Leaves Turning Yellow

Green Island Ficus is not like other plants that drop all the leaves in the winter. You can notice nice green leaves all year round. However, it is common to notice yellow leaves on this plant.

In this article, I will talk about yellow leaves on green island ficus and I will also let you know how you can get rid of the "green island ficus leaves turning yellow issue".

If your Green Island Ficus plant is healthy it should look like this:

Green Island Ficus
Green Island Ficus

It seems nice and healthy right? But take a closer look at the bottom. There are one or two yellow leaves and those are very common.

Once a leaf of Green Island Ficus gets old and needs to be dropped naturally, it turns yellow. It's very natural and you do not have to worry about it.

But if you find upper leaves and new leaves are turning yellow then you need to worry about it.

Yellow leaves and black spots on Green island ficus
Yellow leaves and black spots on Green island ficus

Possible reasons for yellow leaves on Green Island Ficus along with solutions

  1. You are doing overwatering. If that is the case, place your plant in a sunny place for the next few days and do not water it, until you find the soil is not moist.
  2. This plant loves bright but indirect sunlight. The plant I have shared here through the picture is placed under a shade. But it is placed outdoors. If your plant is not getting enough light it will start losing the leaves one after another too fast. And it will also turn your leaves yellow.
  3. In most cases, lack of nitrogen is a major issue that turns yellow leaves. So you can consider applying balanced houseplant fertilizer.

What to do if you find new leaves turning yellow and dry and then falling off?

It happened with one of my friends due to the use of excessive amounts of fertilizer. I will suggest you do not water your plant for a couple of days and then water it. After watering it, on day 3 try to repot it.

It will fix your issue hopefully. While repotting carefully look at the roots and soil. If you notice any fungus apply fungicide or if you notice pests you can apply pest-killing spray.

Good luck with your gardening.