I am from a warmer climate (Zone 10) and I never noticed aphids at the beginning of the blooming season. But this year, I was shocked to see the aphids on the Mums at the very beginning of this winter (you can see in the picture). In this article, I will tell you the methods to get rid of aphids on your Chrysanthemum.
I have been growing Chrysanthemums (also called Mums) for a long time. Usually, we notice aphids on our Mums plants when the temperature rises.
But aphids are really good at identifying their feeding plants. Not all the aphids love to attack the same type of plants. They have their preferences on what to eat.
Here are a few points you need to know:
- Aphids love to attack the new growth over established strong foliage or stem.
- Aphids are good at identifying weak or unhealthy plants and they love to attack them more.
- Aphids can spread a lot faster than most of the other insects or pests. (Be serious about treating Chrysanthemums before they increase their number)
Organic method to treat aphids on Mums
Chrysanthemums attract a lot of pollinators and this is why I don't recommend using any chemical insecticide to kill aphids as the insecticides will also kill beneficial insects like ladybugs, bees, and butterflies.
Those who want to make it done organically read this portion and rest of the gardeners can skip it and jump to the end of the article where I mentioned the chemical insecticide.

Ginger spray
Grind 100 gm fresh Ginger. Now take 1 liter of boiled water and put the ground ginger in the boiled water.
Let it cool to room temperature. Filter it and pour the liquid into a spraying bottle.
Spray on your aphids-infected Chrysanthemum plants. (Spray for 40 seconds at least)
Spray twice in a week. Hopefully, you will get rid of the aphids.
If you are lazy you can sprinkle ginger powder, but will not work as effectively as ginger spraying.
You can also use baking soda with dishwashing soap. I have tried this on my eggplants and that method worked really well on aphids. You can check how I made the solution from here: Aphids on eggplants
Chemical insecticide to get rid of aphids on Chrysanthemum
I am not recommending this one unless the situation is too bad.
If your garden is full of aphids and you can't get rid of aphids with the home remedies you can try this.
Use any insecticide with Cypermethrin in it. If you spray it during the daytime, the effectiveness will increase.
Do you know why Cypermethrin is really toxic and can kill bees and even fish?
Cypermethrin disrupts the neurons and the aphids will stop sucking the stems of your Chrysanthemum plants.
Note: Please read the instructions on the package well before applying. (Keep it away from children's and pets reach)

It is always based on the treatment method based on the plant's current condition. If the plant is too weak and severely affected by the aphids, at first try to get rid of the pests manually or with water hose.
Then go for the chemical insecticides. Good luck!
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