South Florida Planting Calendar

South Florida Planting Calendar

I have been growing veggies, roots, flowers, and herbs since I was 14 (Really!). I have gained so much experience in gardening that I can literally feel the climate and smell it. That helps me to choose what to plant and what not at any specific time of the year. Gathering all the information I have, I created an ultimate list of veggies, roots, flowers, and herbs according to their planting season. Due to South Florida's tropical climate, it allows year-round planting.

In this article, I will share the Planting Calendar for South Florida. I have separated this article into four parts.

  1. The Leafy Greens.
  2. Vegetables and Roots
  3. Flowers
  4. Herbs

It's always better to visualize the data rather than only reading so I have created this visual planting calendar neat and clean.

In my last article, I talked about Fall Gardening in Florida, where you can find what to plant in October in Fl. I have so many positive responses and a lot of requests from South Florida Gardeners to make a planting calendar specifically for them. You can get a brief knowledge on what to plant when in South Florida from this planting guide.

Leafy Greens Planting Calendar for South Florida

Some of the plants in this leafy greens list can also be consumed as root or normal edible vegetables. But we can also consume the leaves as greens so I added those too.

Leafy Greens Planting Calendar for South Florida
Leafy Greens Planting Calendar for South Florida

South Florida - Leafy Greens

Plant Name Growing Season Maintenance Difficulty
Lettuce Oct 01 to Apr 15 Easy
Spinach Nov 01 to Mar 31 Moderate
Kale Nov 01 to Mar 31 Moderate
Swiss Chard Oct 01 to May 31 Easy
Collard Greens Oct 01 to Mar 31 Moderate
Mustard Greens Oct 01 to Mar 31 Easy
Arugula Oct 01 to Apr 15 Easy
Bok Choy Oct 01 to Apr 15 Easy
Cabbage Nov 01 to Mar 31 Moderate
Endive Nov 01 to Mar 31 Moderate
Mizuna Oct 01 to Apr 30 Easy
Watercress Oct 01 to Apr 15 Easy
Radicchio Nov 01 to Mar 31 Moderate
Escarole Nov 01 to Mar 31 Moderate
Turnip Greens Oct 01 to Apr 15 Easy
Mâche (Corn Salad) Nov 01 to Mar 31 Easy
Tat Soi Oct 01 to Apr 15 Easy
Broccoli Rabe Nov 01 to Mar 31 Moderate
Beet Greens Oct 01 to Apr 15 Easy
Parsley Oct 01 to Apr 30 Moderate
Sorrel Oct 01 to Apr 30 Easy
Fenugreek Oct 01 to Apr 15 Easy
Orach Nov 01 to Apr 15 Moderate
Amaranth Greens May 01 to Oct 31 Moderate
Purslane May 01 to Oct 31 Easy
Malabar Spinach May 01 to Oct 31 Moderate

I know I had added a lot of greens to this list. You are free to pick your favorite ones.

Vegetables and Roots Planting Calendar - South Florida

Vegetables and Roots Planting Calendar for South Florida
Vegetables and Roots Planting Calendar for South Florida

Tomatoes are really great to be planted here, but you have to keep in mind that you may face hornworms. You can check: How to get rid of hornworms in your garden

Vegetables and roots with their growing season

You can observe a few plants I have set two growing seasons as you can grow them twice a year.

Plant Name Growing Season Maintenance Difficulty
Tomatoes Aug 15 to Mar 31 Medium
Carrots Sep 01 to Mar 31 Low
Cucumbers Sep 01 to Jan 31, Mar 01 to May 31 Medium
Bell Peppers Aug 15 to Mar 31 High
Beets Oct 01 to Mar 31 Low
Radishes Sep 01 to Apr 15 Low
Eggplant Aug 01 to Feb 28 Medium
Zucchini Sep 01 to Dec 31, Feb 01 to Apr 30 Medium
Okra Mar 01 to Nov 30 Low
Sweet Corn Aug 15 to May 15 Medium
Potatoes Jan 01 to Mar 15 Low
Sweet Potatoes Feb 01 to Jun 30 Medium
Squash (Summer) Sep 01 to Dec 31, Feb 01 to Apr 30 Medium
Green Beans Sep 01 to Apr 15 Low
Garlic Oct 01 to Mar 31 Low
Onions Sep 15 to Apr 15 Low
Turnips (Roots) Oct 01 to Mar 31 Low
Peas Oct 01 to Feb 28 Low

Flowers Planting Calendar

I know I have missed a lot of flowers on this list. But that is completely done intentionally. The chart will become more complicated if I include more flowers in this list. But this list is handpicked by me so that you can choose easily.

Flowers Planting Calendar for South Florida
Flowers Planting Calendar for South Florida

Flowers with their growing season and difficulty level

Flower Name Growing Season Maintenance Difficulty
Sunflowers Mar 01 to Sep 30 Low
Zinnias Mar 01 to Dec 31 Low
Marigolds Feb 01 to Nov 30 Low
Cosmos Mar 01 to Oct 31 Low
Petunias Oct 01 to Apr 30 Medium
Salvia Mar 01 to Dec 31 Low
Begonias Oct 01 to May 31 Medium
Impatiens Oct 01 to May 31 Medium
Vinca Mar 01 to Oct 31 Low
Snapdragons Oct 01 to Apr 30 Medium
Caladiums Mar 01 to Nov 30 Low
Dahlias Oct 01 to Apr 30 Medium
Coreopsis Mar 01 to Nov 30 Low
Portulaca Apr 01 to Oct 31 Low
Geraniums Oct 01 to Apr 30 Medium
Pentas Mar 01 to Nov 30 Low
Lantana Mar 01 to Nov 30 Low
Tithonia (Mexican Sunflower) Apr 01 to Oct 31 Low

Herbs Planting Calendar for South Florida

You can grow rosemary and bay laurel all year in south FL. I have shown other herbs with their exact growing season.

Herbs Planting Calendar for South Florida
Herbs Planting Calendar for South Florida

List of Herbs you can plant in South Florida

Herb Name Growing Season Maintenance Difficulty
Basil Mar 01 to Oct 31 Low
Thyme Oct 01 to May 31 Medium
Oregano Oct 01 to May 31 Low
Cilantro Oct 01 to Apr 30 Medium
Dill Oct 01 to Apr 30 Low
Mint Oct 01 to May 31 Low
Parsley Oct 01 to Apr 30 Medium
Rosemary Year-round Low
Sage Oct 01 to May 31 Medium
Chives Oct 01 to Apr 30 Medium
Lemongrass Mar 01 to Nov 30 Low
Tarragon Oct 01 to Apr 30 Medium
Fennel Oct 01 to Apr 30 Low
Lavender Oct 01 to May 31 Medium
Lemon Balm Oct 01 to May 31 Low
Chamomile Oct 01 to Apr 30 Low
Bay Laurel Year-round Low
Catnip Oct 01 to Apr 30 Low


In South Florida, you can face pests and insects more than in other parts of Florida. So it is better if you can take natural remedies. On GardenVive I will try to share all the possible remedies one by one to get rid of harmful pests.

If you are from Florida, subscribe to this blog or comment down below to get more tips specially for Florida Gardeners.

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